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Showing posts from December, 2020
  Lessons Learned from 2020 Part - 2 1.   Being nice pays off It does pay off, directly or indirectly, immediately or after a while, sometimes in the most bizarre ways. Wait for it! Tried, tested, and highly recommended. 2.  Prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish. It is what it is! 3.  Do not mess around with people who are in love or if they believe they are. Extend them support but keep your rational opinions to yourself. Trust me, it is worse than texting your ex! 4.  Self-healing is the biggest power of all. Fix yourself cause who’s gonna come and do that for you. You know your pace, don’t push too hard if it’s not necessary, don’t rush the process, rather embrace it. 5.  Hard times reveal true friends And it will keep happening for the rest of your life. Think of it as a silver lining, coming out of the hardship on the credit side. 6.  Meet people halfway across, somewhere in the middle, don’t travel the entire distance on your own. It might be cute...
Lessons Learned from 2020 Part - 1  1.   Love isn’t enough It may feel like it is but it isn’t. A single feeling, no matter how pure it is, can’t be adequate if not balanced with respect, acceptance, loyalty, kindness, commitment, and the willingness to put up a fight when things get rocky. 2.  People suck more than you think they do! There! I said it :D 3.  Change is the only constant The moment you’ll start getting comfortable and cozy with something, the change will come to punch you in the face, so why not make friends with change instead. 4.  People put themselves over anything and anyone even if you don’t and there’s absolutely no harm in that. You can do that too.   Be self-sufficient before being self-less. 5.  Value yourself a little more than you usually do You are all you have got. Be your biggest cheerleader. Fight your demons. Set standards and boundaries. Do things that make you happy. Ditch things that exhaust you. AND for the love of...
2020! Well, I am sure a lot of us will have to say a lot about this year or maybe nothing at all because why put efforts into summarising something that can be described in a single word - Nightmare! But I am gonna do it regardless because that’s what I pretty much did this year to make a living (of course riding an emotional rollercoaster round the year does not pay well nor is counted as a full-time job). Looking back at 2020, I am truly amazed by how a single year can turn around everything you believed in, everything you worked for, and everything you live for. I cannot say that I experienced every emotion this year but the ones I did were pretty new and adequately intense. Love is ecstatic, heartbreaks are dark (also hurt like a bitch) , depression is real, and well, betrayal is incessant. Many of my close friends repeatedly brought to my notice that I changed this year. Somewhere, I know I did. A part of me didn’t want to, but a little part of me did. So, I did it anyway. And hon...
Here we are at the end of a decade, at the end of an era, at the end of 2019. I have always been really excited for new year’s, to me, every year is a little history you make, the end of a year is the beginning of the next chapter. The start of something new, something unrelated, something far away from the past. 2019 has not really been kind to me but it surely had a lot in store as weeks passed by... I started the year with a lot of uncertainty, uncertainty regarding what opportunities to take, what doors to knock, what things to keep, and what to let go of. I moved cities, met so many people, some of them who tagged along, some with whom I parted ways.  I experienced new experiences, made choices that can’t really be categorized into right or wrong, good or bad, but they were hard to make, and I’m glad I still opted to do so.  I developed habits I’m not really proud of but what is life anyway without doing things you don’t regret the next morning.  This year I opened u...
At the end of the day, ain’t all of us are looking or maybe waiting to be with someone where we don’t have to pretend to be something we are not. Where we don’t have to act as we know better or we can do better when we actually cannot  Where we can be our usual crazy, clumsy, messy self and not being called out for that Where we are reassured at every step of the way that this is worth it, we are worth it Aren’t we all looking to come home to someone who makes our bad day the best one just by being there, simply existing :)  
  Who doesn’t wanna fall in love?  What we are petrified of is how badly love makes us fall rising from which becomes nearly impossible. Who doesn’t wanna experience that one most beautiful feeling in their life? What scares that feeling away is the pain that follows. The pain of insecurities, non-acceptance, blaming and losing. Who doesn’t wanna have that one person to plan the rest of their life with? What ruins it is the stress, anxiety, and toxicity that comes along.
Falling in love and staying in love are two substantially different concepts. If the former is short-term then the latter is a long-term notion. Staying in love is not as easy as falling in love. Falling in love is not even a trailer, it’s a mere teaser, the real struggle is being in love, living for love, fighting for love, keeping it as fresh as a daisy. The battle is driving the love, making sure it never runs out of fuel, you don’t fall out of love if it was ever true.
You’ll know for a million different reasons that this is THE ONE. But one reason that will forever stick out is, ‘The one who is right for you will not only treat you right, they’ll make you want to treat yourself right.’  You will explode with joy, peace, and contentment.  
Life gets tough, it gets hard to see the light. There will always be times when things will stop making sense, certain things won’t add up, and you’ll end up being completely clueless.  But PLEASE remember there’s always a way out. Don’t be so rough on yourself. Trust me, a lot of us are in the same predicament. You are not alone, you are never alone. Give people around you a chance to help you, if not, then just let them be there for you!