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2020! Well, I am sure a lot of us will have to say a lot about this year or maybe nothing at all because why put efforts into summarising something that can be described in a single word - Nightmare!

But I am gonna do it regardless because that’s what I pretty much did this year to make a living (of course riding an emotional rollercoaster round the year does not pay well nor is counted as a full-time job).

Looking back at 2020, I am truly amazed by how a single year can turn around everything you believed in, everything you worked for, and everything you live for.

I cannot say that I experienced every emotion this year but the ones I did were pretty new and adequately intense. Love is ecstatic, heartbreaks are dark (also hurt like a bitch), depression is real, and well, betrayal is incessant.

Many of my close friends repeatedly brought to my notice that I changed this year. Somewhere, I know I did. A part of me didn’t want to, but a little part of me did. So, I did it anyway. And honestly, who didn’t change this year, the universe made sure that we undergo something we dread the most, the change!

2020 has been a lot of things for me, but one thing that stands out is 2020 being the biggest Eye-Opener! 

It brought my attention to the things that actually matter and which should have mattered through it all. 

For me, it all comes down to, well, ME because I FREAKING MATTER. I have always mattered and now when I had 3 whole quarters to spend with no one but myself, I realized how I am not replaceable, I am worth the fight, and I shouldn’t be given upon.

I might be lonelier now, but I am way more sound.

I might have less of life, but I feel way more alive.

I might not be social anymore, but I feel connected to myself as I have never before.

And for me, it all comes down to this...


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