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Lessons Learned from 2020
Part - 2

1. Being nice pays off

It does pay off, directly or indirectly, immediately or after a while, sometimes in the most bizarre ways. Wait for it!

Tried, tested, and highly recommended.

2. Prioritizing yourself isn’t selfish.

It is what it is!

3. Do not mess around with people who are in love or if they believe they are. Extend them support but keep your rational opinions to yourself.

Trust me, it is worse than texting your ex!

4. Self-healing is the biggest power of all.

Fix yourself cause who’s gonna come and do that for you. You know your pace, don’t push too hard if it’s not necessary, don’t rush the process, rather embrace it.

5. Hard times reveal true friends

And it will keep happening for the rest of your life. Think of it as a silver lining, coming out of the hardship on the credit side.

6. Meet people halfway across, somewhere in the middle, don’t travel the entire distance on your own. It might be cute in the beginning, but it is draining and self-less to a point where it stops being rational.

7. Emotional Distancing is as important as Social Distancing

Cutting off people who suck the life out of you is important. If you can’t do that, then emotionally distance yourself from them. It is liberating in a way you cannot even begin to imagine.

8. You can do everything right, but people are still gonna walk all over you at the very first chance they get. This will have nothing to do with you. It’s just who they fundamentally are.


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