Lessons Learned from 2020
Part - 1
1. Love isn’t enough
It may feel like it is but it isn’t. A single feeling, no matter how pure it is, can’t be adequate if not balanced with respect, acceptance, loyalty, kindness, commitment, and the willingness to put up a fight when things get rocky.
2. People suck more than you think they do!
There! I said it :D
3. Change is the only constant
The moment you’ll start getting comfortable and cozy with something, the change will come to punch you in the face, so why not make friends with change instead.
4. People put themselves over anything and anyone even if you don’t and there’s absolutely no harm in that. You can do that too.
Be self-sufficient before being self-less.
5. Value yourself a little more than you usually do
You are all you have got. Be your biggest cheerleader. Fight your demons. Set standards and boundaries. Do things that make you happy. Ditch things that exhaust you.
AND for the love of God, stay hydrated.
6. Depression is real
It is as real as a donut. Walk away from the ones who tell you it’s all in your head. Walk towards the ones who are willing to help you in getting through it.
7. There’s absolutely no sense in explaining yourself to people.
The ones who are worthy won’t need your words anyway. PERIOD.
8. If you can’t make time for yourself, you’re not doing it right.
Start over. It is as simple as it gets.
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