It gets better!
You'll get used to it.
That is what everyone keeps saying all the time for every bloody thing, right. But does it? Does it ever get better? Well, I don't think it does. I have never seen it getting better. We do get used to it but is that the point. It is like a circuit that keeps getting miserable and miserable!
I don't want to be ungrateful for the okayish things that life has given me. But lately, the bad is outweighing the good. I keep waiting for it to get better, waking up every day with a teensy hope that this day is going to be different, this week will be the change, but it just keeps getting worse.
For the longest time, I held myself responsible for many things that go wrong in my life because I have had this pining itch to fix things. In fixing things that were out of my control, I have arrived at a point where I NEED FIXING.
And I think I know where to start that from, but I am too scared to do that because everything that I have touched to fix hasn't exactly turned into gold.
For how long are we supposed to cling upon this frail thread of hope that things will get better? Why is it so hard to accept that it may never get better?
It's about time we lift the weight off our shoulders and start setting our hope into things/people that have the genuine potential of getting better because we are not too far from losing it all.
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