My life hasn’t really been a bed of roses lately and it just came to my notice that how traumatizing it is to see people lose interest in you who literally comprised a major chunk of your routine!
How perfect it seems when it all starts, those little butterflies, that tingly feeling, that checking your phone all day, that excitement, that entire rhythm of knowing each other leading to a path of discovery in multiple facets, deriving comfort in each other’s presence, beginning to be a part of each other’s life.
Just when you start opening up, letting your guard down, forming that trust, hoping for something more, letting a person in, life starts acting up in its own way.
You see them drifting away, slowly losing interest in you. You start feeling the change in the energy they possess leaving you all anxious and stressed about where did you mess it up now, where did it go wrong, did it ever at any point in time mean something to them, was it ever meant to be?
It’s like the dream is over, you are back to where you began from, what was the point of coming this far? Did you even come this far to actually just come this far?
It’s just a vicious circle I guess, life has its own trap to keep you wondering which eventually keeps you going. After all, once upon a time, a wise man said, ‘curiosity is not a sin.’
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