Do you ever try to find out what calms your soul?
Do you ever question yourself that you’ve got everything you wished for, you got a life you dreamt of but what is it that’s still missing?
We do not have an end to our desires, we wish for something, get it, want more of it without ever being thankful for what we already have.
I feel we do not thank enough, we do not count our blessings enough.
We are so deep into the shackles of the society we live in and the lives we have chosen for ourselves that we often forget to take a break, breathe, and look at the bright side (I am sure there’s always a bright side).
One doesn’t have to stop being ambitious in order to be humble but the need to understand which desire is guiding you to growth needs to be recognized.
The soul stays calm when you understand what you have is not what everyone has, what you have is what you wished for, prayed for, worked hard for.
Don’t let it go! It isn’t worth letting go! I know it’s really onerous to constantly expect you to look at the bright side but life does get easier when you start counting your blessings.
In the end, whatever we do in life the goal is to feel satisfied and not settled!
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