I am that Therapist friend who people turn to when they are in pain. I have always had some kind of power over people where I somehow manage to convince them that this is not the end of the world, there’s more to it, and the more to it is beautiful.
Hang in there, I’ll hang in with you, we’ll get through this together. I would preach about looking at the bright side, being optimistic, looking for the silver lining, and what not!
So when tables turned, it just hit me hard that it’s way easier said than done.
My friends who were once my projects were now putting in their best effort to help me look at the silver lining by making me a list of all the rational logic. They did what exactly I would do, they were there, they were ALWAYS there trying numerous ways to cheer me up.
I went to places I loved, I did things that used to give me confidence, I ate all the fries and froyos. I was trying, just not hard enough. I wasn’t able to get through my pain, I felt trapped all the time. I didn’t feel independent anymore. The independence I valued over everything.
It took me time to get here but I’ve finally had it with feeling suffocated. My love for freedom finally outweighed my pain and I decided to fix myself. I went down the road of self-healing and it wasn’t easy at first, but it definitely made me realize that NO ONE CAN FIX YOU UNLESS YOU WANT TO FIX YOURSELF.
I am still healing but I am also still the Therapist Friend, however now rather than being on the side, I prefer to walk behind my friends so that it’s easy for me to push them down the road to self-healing :)
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