You’re enough! You are one hundred percent enough and capable of doing everything this world has to offer on your own. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, I repeat, anyone. Be your own provider. It’s empowering.
Don’t ever hold a grudge! Holding a grudge might not affect you at first hand but it surely does a lot of damage subconsciously causing all the negativity around you. Take the high road, It’s difficult but absolutely worth it.
Voice your opinions! In the society we are brought up, our opinions are never heard, respected, or cared for but still take the effort to voice them. Be loud and be further clear about what you think of things. It’s liberating and maybe in years, it will make a change too.
Identify YOUR people! Find your tribe and go lengths to keep them close because you’ll definitely find people on your way who’ll make you choose. Choose wisely. It took me time, heaps of betrayal, and roughly a dozen heartbreaks but I found people who are not only my own little army but the ones I can enjoy comfortable silences with.
Don’t give up on love! I know it gets tiring waiting for THE ONE. And more than that the journey seems really rocky and draining but you are going to cross paths with that one person who’ll stick around. It will be magical, effortless, and worth the wait. Meanwhile, why not try falling in love with yourself and make the waiting worth every millisecond.
You know that thing you are too scared to do or go through with? Yeah yeah, that one! Just do it anyway. Failure any day is better than living with regret. You can overcome failure with your wisdom but for getting over a regret, this lifetime might feel brief. Trust me your Ted Talk climax will suck if you don’t have a few setbacks to mention.
What your parents think of you will always, always mean a lot to you. There will be clashes, disagreements, maybe some drama too. But don’t take it too hard on yourself. Wait for a moment, calm down, and try to understand where they are coming from. It will get easy and start making a lot more sense.
Stop fixing damaged goods! If you go and read the Job Description for the relationship you are committing to, I can assure you, nowhere in there will you find that you need to fix a person first, coach them how to treat you, and clean up their mess in order to derive happiness. I am 23 now and trust me if by this age a person can’t fix themselves, IT’S NOT WORTH IT!
Don’t lose faith in the power of self-healing! As I said earlier, you, my friend are thoroughly capable of fixing your own self. As long as you don’t want to put things in the past and take a road to recovery, no one can push you there. Go easy, trust your instincts, take your time. If you fall, take a moment, stand up, walk, run, rise! Rise above it all!
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