It’s okay to be so not fine sometimes,
It’s okay to be ruthless and hate everyone at some point,
It’s okay to lose your shit,
It’s okay to guard down that strong ass image you carry,
It’s okay to tuck your face in the pillow and cry for hours, and moreover, it’s perfectly fine to cry over that reason again and again until the point you are so strong that you can finally let it go and you are comfortable enough with the arrangement life has given you about that particular situation.
Life is not easy and it will never be but that is what makes it interesting and keeps us going.
You play a game online and what makes you so entangled in it is how it keeps getting tougher and all you do for your survival is conquer the difficulties and eventually emerge as a winner.
That is what life is like, things spice up when life gets tough.
With life, you’ve choices. You do not necessarily have to be a fighter at all the times, sometimes all you need to do is calm down and watch the show, make and break your own rules, play it for fun rather than for winning. It might turn out to be an absolute pleasure and a moment of contentment.
Remember that there is a lot to live than few things that are bothering you right now, they will all be gone in some time, you know you can get over it and in the end, you’ll be all you’ve got.
So make sure to appreciate yourself, treat yourself and don’t forget to love yourself when times are rough.
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