Do you ever just lay in bed and realize how not okay you are?
You’ve been pretending for the entire day to be all fun and games, spreading positivity, enlightening minds, and comforting people.
But this is the time of the day you have some confessions to make.
Confessions that matter, confessions that are and should be of prime importance because these are the things you tell yourself.
You have to be true to your own self.
You need to find that for yourself if you are at ease and peace.
You need to figure out if you are enlightened enough to enlighten others.
You need to learn if you are comfortable in your own skin as you preach.
And even if you have one no for an answer then take a break, see where you are going wrong, know where you messed it up and it is fine to mess up. Life is all about messing up and cleaning the mess that you make. You may learn from your success but you will sure as hell learn from your failures.
Let your soul breathe. Let your mind get off of all the pretentious drama. Put off that mask you sustain (figuratively), keep aside the persona you render and discover who you are cause this is the end, maybe not the end of something huge but the end of your day, end of the little history you made, end of the little thing you will be proud of when you’ll look back, CAUSE, IN THE END, YOU ARE ALL YOU’VE GOT!
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