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22hrs to 22!

I’ll be 22 years old in a few hours. I feel old already but more than old, I feel responsible. Responsible for the things I do, the choices I make, and the decisions I take.

The 21st year of our lives is generally supposed to be all fun and games but the excitement lasts as long as your Birthday. It’s nothing unexpected or nothing that I’d not already done.

But I did come across a lot of new feelings and experiences, most common amongst them were fear, disappointment, and failure. For the first time in my life I lived with these feelings for a prolonged period of time and it was hard. Harder than I’d thought but I got over it eventually. Not that I’m successful now but yeah I’m doing well and I’ll be great given some time.

I met a lot of new people this year, got into very difficult relations, fell in love, fell out of love but the most important thing I learned this year was prioritizing nothing but myself, letting go of people who would make me question my worth, never fucking or letting anyone fuck with my peace and self-respect. 

I took baby steps in getting away from all the negativity in the form of things and people. I realized that I need to love myself so much that I won’t have to want anyone to love me or fill any kind of void. 

Getting my patience tested on a daily basis and still not wanting to give up, I can safely conclude that this year was full of learning, growing, and never looking back. 


P.S. - I wrote this last year before turning 22 :)


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